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Course 3D_XNA: 3D-Computer Graphics with XNA
Chapter C3: Drunken Tiger

Copyright © by V. Miszalok, last update: 25-09-2010

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  Project TigerRot1
  Version 1: Minimum
  Version 2: In a Quadratic Resizable Window
  Version 3: Rotate the Tiger Around the Y-Axis
  Version 4: Translation and Scaling
  Version 5: Changing the Mesh
  Version 6: The Complete Code
  Version 7: Space Ship

This chapter is a subcompact summary of the first XNA-Tutorial from Microsoft.
You find the tutorial here: VS 2010 → Main Menu Help Contents XNA Game Studio 4.0 Getting Started with XNA Game Studio Going Beyond: XNA Game Studio in 3D Tutorial 1: Displaying a 3D Model On The Screen.

Project TigerRot1

1. Main Menu after starting VS 2010: File New Project... Project types: XNA GameStudio 4.0 Templates: Windows Game (4.0) Name: TigerRot1 Location: C:\temp Create directory for solution: switch it off → OK.
Solution Explorer - TigerRot1: Delete the file Program.cs and the default code of Game1.cs.

2. If You find no Solution Explorer-window, open it via the main menu: View → Solution Explorer.
Inside the Solution Explorer-window click the plus-sign in front of TigerRot1. A tree opens. Look for the branch "References". Check if there are (among others) the references: Microsoft.XNA.Framework and Microsoft.XNA.Framework.Game and mscorlib and System.

3. Right click this link: tiger_texture.bmp and store the texture into the project directory C:\temp\TigerRot1\Content.
Right click this link: tiger.x and store the mesh into the project directory C:\temp\TigerRot1\Content.
3.1 We have to add the texture image and the mesh file to project TigerRot1:
Solution Explorer → Right click the branch Content → Add → Existing Item... → Directory: Content: All Files (*.*).
Select both tiger_texture.bmp and tiger.x and quit by clicking the Add-button and check whether both file names arrived underneath the Content-branch.
3.2 Solution Explorer → Click tiger_texture.bmp and in its Properties-window change the Build Action-property from Compile to None.
Check if all properties of tiger_texture.bmp and tiger.x correspond to the screenshots on the right.


Version 1: Minimum

Write the following code into the empty code window of Game1.cs:

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

static class Program
{ [STAThread] static void Main() { Game1 game = new Game1(); game.Run(); }

public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
{ private GraphicsDeviceManager g;
  private Model model;
  private BasicEffect effect;
  public Game1()
  { g = new GraphicsDeviceManager( this );
  protected override void LoadContent()
  { model = Content.Load< Model >("Content\\tiger");
    effect = (BasicEffect)model.Meshes[0].Effects[0];
    effect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt( new Vector3( 0f, 0f, 4f ), //camera position
                                       Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up );
    effect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView
                               ( MathHelper.Pi/4, 1f, 1f, 100000f );
  protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime )
  { model.Meshes[0].Draw();
} // end of class Game1
} // end of class Program

Click DebugStart Without Debugging Ctrl F5.

Experiments with camera position
initial new Vector3(  0f,  0f,  4f )
nearer new Vector3(  0f,  0f,  3f )
more distantnew Vector3(  0f,  0f,  6f )
to the rear new Vector3(  0f,  0f, -4f )
to the rightnew Vector3(  3f,  0f,  4f )
to the left new Vector3( -3f,  0f,  4f )
upwards new Vector3(  0f,  3f,  4f )
downwards new Vector3(  0f, -3f,  4f )

Version 2: In a Quadratic Resizable Window

Insert the following event handler below the constructor: public Game1() { g = new GraphicsDeviceManager( this ); }

protected override void Initialize()
  { g.PreferredBackBufferWidth  = 600;
    g.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 600;
    Window.Title = "Tiger Rotation";
    Window.AllowUserResizing = true;

Click DebugStart Without Debugging Ctrl F5.


Version 3: Rotate the Tiger Around the Y-Axis

Insert the following global variable definitions below the constructor: private BasicEffect effect;

  private float trans             = 0,
                transIncrement    = 0.02f,
                zoom              = 1, 
                zoomIncrement     = 0.005f,
                rotation          = 0,
                rotationIncrement = 0.01f;

Change the protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime ) event handler until it looks like this:

  protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime )
  { //g.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame;
    g.GraphicsDevice.Clear( Color.DarkBlue );
    effect.World = Matrix.CreateRotationY ( modelRotation += 0.01f );

Click DebugStart Without Debugging Ctrl F5.

Experimentswith the camera Results
1.In the effect.World-line replace the letter "Y" in CreateRotationY to "X". looping around the X-axis
2.In the effect.World-line replace the letter "Y" in CreateRotationY to "Z"looping around the Z-axis
3. In the effect.World-line replace "0.01f" by "0.05f". 5 times faster ≈ 3°/Draw
4. In the effect.World-line replace "0.01f" by "0.001f". 10 times slower ≈ 0.06°/Draw
5. In the effect.Projection-line replace "MathHelper.Pi/4" by "MathHelper.Pi/6". camera angle shrinks from 45° to 30°
6. In the effect.Projection-line replace "MathHelper.Pi/4" by "MathHelper.Pi/2". camera obtains a wide angle of 90°
7. In the effect.Projection-line replace the 2. parameter "1f" by "0.5f". distorted image: width = 2*height
8. In the effect.Projection-line replace the 2. parameter "1f" by "2f". distorted image: height = 2*width
9. In the effect.Projection-line replace the 3. parameter "1f" by "3f". Head an tail closer than 3f are lost.
Experiments with the GraphicsDeviceManager g  
1.Remove the comment slashes "//" in front of the first line of the new Draw-function. triangles without skin
2.Insert comment slashes "//" in front of the second line of the new Draw-function. rotational body

Version 4: Translation and Scaling

Replace protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime ) { ... } by:

protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime )
  { //g.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame;
    g.GraphicsDevice.Clear( Color.DarkBlue );
    if ( trans < -0.8f | trans > 0.8f ) transIncrement *= -1f;
    if ( zoom  <  0.1f | zoom  > 1.2f ) zoomIncrement  *= -1f;
    trans    += transIncrement;
    zoom     += zoomIncrement;
    rotation += rotationIncrement;
    effect.World  = Matrix.CreateScale      ( zoom        );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateRotationX  ( rotation    );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateRotationY  ( rotation    );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateRotationZ  ( rotation    );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateTranslation( trans, 0, 0 );

There are two faster alternatives to code the cascading movements by effect.World-lines:

/*1*/effect.World  = Matrix.CreateScale      ( zoom        ) *
                     Matrix.CreateRotationX  ( rotation    ) *
                     Matrix.CreateRotationY  ( rotation    ) *
                     Matrix.CreateRotationZ  ( rotation    ) *
                     Matrix.CreateTranslation( trans, 0, 0 );
/*2*/effect.World  = Matrix.CreateScale           ( zoom                         ) *
                     Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll( rotation, rotation, rotation ) *
                     Matrix.CreateTranslation     ( 0, trans, 0                  );

1. Change the values of transIncrement, zoomIncrement and rotationIncrement.
2. Replace (trans, 0, 0) by (0, trans, 0).
3. Remove single Matrix.xxx-lines by comment-slashes "//".


Version 5: Changing the Mesh

In the Solution Explorer TigerRot1-window open the Content-branch. Double click tiger.x. A text file tiger.x opens. It contains 3 important parts:
1. 303 lines defining 303 3D-vertices = Vertex Buffer
2. 599 lines defining 599 triangles = Index Buffer and
3. 303 lines defining 303 2D-coordinates = Texture Coordinates Buffer.
This file has been produced by a diligent external designer using 3D modeling software such as Autodesk 3ds Max or Autodesk Maya (complete list of 3D modeling programs). He exported his result to this DirectX format file tiger.x.
Let us edit tiger.x in order to see how x-files work.
1. Experiment: Comment out the last vertex (vertex no. 303) of the Vertex Buffer: -0.213423;-0.066057;0.311063;; and write a new line: -0.6;-0.066057;0.6;;.
The end of the vertex Buffer should look like this:

Store tiger.x and run the program. The tiger's right hind leg looks strange with a big tapered tumor.
2. Experiment: Comment out the first 5 lines (no. of triangles plus the triangle numbers 1, 2, 3, 4) of the Index Buffer and adjust the no. of triangles until theses lines look like this.
// 599;
3;294,295,297;, ......

Store tiger.x and run the program. The tiger's right hind leg looks even stranger with a big defect in and near the tumor.


Version 6: The Complete code

Write the following code into the empty code window of Game1.cs:

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

static class Program
{ [STAThread] static void Main() { Game1 game = new Game1(); game.Run(); }

public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
{ private GraphicsDeviceManager g;
  private Model model;
  private BasicEffect effect;
  private float trans             = 0,
                transIncrement    = 0.02f,
                zoom              = 1, 
                zoomIncrement     = 0.005f,
                rotation          = 0,
                rotationIncrement = 0.01f;  
  public Game1()
  { g = new GraphicsDeviceManager( this );
  protected override void Initialize()
  { g.PreferredBackBufferWidth  = 600;
    g.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 600;
    Window.Title = "Tiger Rotation";
    Window.AllowUserResizing = true;
  protected override void LoadContent()
  { model = Content.Load< Model >("Content\\tiger");
    effect = (BasicEffect)model.Meshes[0].Effects[0];
    effect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt( new Vector3( 0f, 0f, 4f ), 
                                       Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up );
    effect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView
                               ( MathHelper.Pi/4, 1f, 1f, 100000f );
protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime )
  { //g.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame;
    g.GraphicsDevice.Clear( Color.DarkBlue );
    if ( trans < -0.8f | trans > 0.8f ) transIncrement *= -1f;
    if ( zoom  <  0.1f | zoom  > 1.2f ) zoomIncrement  *= -1f;
    trans    += transIncrement;
    zoom     += zoomIncrement;
    rotation += rotationIncrement;
    effect.World  = Matrix.CreateScale      ( zoom        );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateRotationX  ( rotation    );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateRotationY  ( rotation    );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateRotationZ  ( rotation    );
    effect.World *= Matrix.CreateTranslation( trans, 0, 0 );
} // end of class Game1
} // end of class Program

Version 7: Space Ship

Let us replace the tiger by another 3D-model.
1. Right click this link: ship_texture.tga and store the texture into the project directory C:\temp\TigerRot1\Content.
2. Right click this link: ship.fbx and store the mesh into the project directory C:\temp\TigerRot1\Content.
3. We have to add the texture image and the mesh file to project TigerRot1:
Solution Explorer → Right click the branch Content → Add → Existing Item... → Directory: Content: All Files (*.*).
Select both ship_texture.tga and ship.fbx, and quit by clicking the Add-button and check whether both file names arrived underneath the Content-branch.
4. Solution Explorer → Click ship_texture.tga and in its Properties-window and change the Build Action-property from Compile to None.
5. We have to call the ship-model instead of the tiger by changing the Content.Load-line to: model = Content.Load< Model >("Content\\ship");.
6. The ship is much bigger than the tiger. Thus we have to retract the camera
from Matrix.CreateLookAt( new Vector3( 0f, 0f,    4f ), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up )
to     Matrix.CreateLookAt( new Vector3( 0f, 0f, 4000f ), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up ).
7. Click DebugStart Without Debugging Ctrl F5.

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