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Course 2D_WPF: 2D-Computer Graphics with C# + WPF
Chapter C1: Comments to the Intro Project Written in Pure C#

Copyright © by V. Miszalok, last update: 2010-01-31

German: Alle Links zeigen auf englische Hilfetexte. Viele dieser Texte gibt es aber auch auf deutsch. Sie müssen nur in allen URLs folgende 5 Buchstaben verändern: en-usde-de wie in folgendem Beispiel:
english: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.shapes.aspx
deutsch: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/de-de/library/system.windows.shapes.aspx

using namespaces
//The .NET Framework 3.5 Class Library FCL contains thousands of classes. For better orientation it is subdivided into "namespaces" each containing a subset of related classes. Any class and its members have to be called by writing the full tree of its namespace which forces the programmer to write spaghetti-long identifiers. With the "using" directive You can shorten such long identifiers and the compiler will complete the missing namespaces.
using System; //Home of the base class of all classes "System.Object" and of all primitive data types such as Int32, Int16, double, string. Link: System.
using System.Windows; //Home of the "Window" class (base class of our main window window1) and its method Application().Run. Link: System.Windows.
using System.Windows.Controls; //Home of the base class of GUI-Elements such as Button, Canvas, TextBox etc. Link: System.Windows.Controls.
using System.Windows.Shapes; //Home of the "Shape" class = base class of Line, Polyline, Rectangle etc. Link: System.Windows.Shapes.
using System.Windows.Threading; //Home of the "DispatcherTimer" class. Link: System.Windows.Threading.
Entry to start our WPF program: public class window1 : Window
//We derive our window1 from the class Window, which the compiler automatically finds in the System.Windows namespace.
[STAThread] static void Main() { new Application().Run( new window1() ); } //Create a single thread instance of window1 and ask the operating system to start it as main window of our program. Link: Application Class.
Canvas myCanvas = new Canvas(); //Create a Canvas object to draw TextBoxes, Lines on its surface and which covers the client space of window1. Link: Canvas.
Line line1 = new Line();
Line line2 = new Line();
//Create two Line objects to be drawn on the Canvas. Link: Line.
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
Ellipse elli = new Ellipse();
//Create a Rectangle and an Ellipse object to be drawn on the Canvas. Link: Rectangle.
DockPanel myPanel = new DockPanel(); //Create a surface where child elements can be docked on either side. Link: DockPanel.
TextBox left = new TextBox();
TextBox top = new TextBox();
TextBox right = new TextBox();
TextBox bottom = new TextBox();
TextBox central = new TextBox();
//Create five TextBox objects. Link: TextBox.
double zoom  = 1.1; //Sets the initial zoom to 10% per step.
double angle = 0  ; //Rotation of the Brush origin
Random r = new Random(); //Create a Random-value generator object. Link: Random.
Byte r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2; //Create six bytes intended to compose 2 RGB-colors.
Constructor public window1() inside public class window1

this.Top = this.Left = 50;
this.Width = this.Height = 500;
this.Title = "intro1";
//Define the position of the upper left corner, the initial width and height and the title text of window1. Link: Window.
myCanvas.Children.Add( line1 );
myCanvas.Children.Add( line2 );
myCanvas.Children.Add( rect );
myCanvas.Children.Add( elli );
myCanvas.Children.Add( myPanel );
//myCanvas adopts five children. Children is a property inherited from Panel. Link: Panel.Children Property.
myPanel.Children.Add( top     ); DockPanel.SetDock( top   , Dock.Top    ); top   .Text = "top";
myPanel.Children.Add( bottom  ); DockPanel.SetDock( bottom, Dock.Bottom ); bottom.Text = "bottom";
myPanel.Children.Add( left    ); DockPanel.SetDock( left  , Dock.Left   ); left  .Text = "left";
myPanel.Children.Add( right   ); DockPanel.SetDock( right , Dock.Right  ); right .Text = "right";
myPanel.Children.Add( central );

//myPanel adopts five children. Four of them are docked to the 4 borders of myPanel and obtain their text strings. The fifth centers itself automatically in the middle of the remaining space. Link: DockPanel.SetDock Method.
Background = new LinearGradientBrush( Colors.Red, Colors.Blue, 90 ); //The background color of window1 is changing from red to blue from top to bottom = 90 degrees. Link: LinearGradientBrush Class.
Foreground = new SolidColorBrush( Color.FromRgb( 0, 0, 200 ) ); //The foreground color of window1 is blue. Link: SolidColorBrush Class.
FontFamily = new FontFamily( "Courier New" );
FontSize = 12;
//Let us use a simple font. Link: Control.FontFamily Property.
foreach( TextBox text in myPanel.Children )
{ text.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
  text.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

//Align all stings in the centers of their TextBoxes. Link: FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignment Property.
foreach( Object obj in myCanvas.Children )
{ if ( obj.GetType() == typeof(DockPanel) ) continue;
//Forget about child myPanel.
  ((Shape)obj).Stroke = Brushes.Black;
  ((Shape)obj).StrokeThickness = 5;

//The shape-children of myCanvas are: two lines, the rectangle and the ellipse. They should be outlined with thick black contours. Link: Shape.Stroke Property.
rect.Fill = Brushes.White; //Inside the black border the rectangle should be filled with white. Link: Shape.Fill Property.
r1 = (Byte)r.Next(255); g1 = (Byte)r.Next(255); b1 = (Byte)r.Next(255);
r2 = (Byte)r.Next(255); g2 = (Byte)r.Next(255); b2 = (Byte)r.Next(255);

//Initialize the bytes with random values. Link: Random.Next Method.
DispatcherTimer myTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
myTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 40 );
myTimer.Tick += TimerOnTick;
//Setup a timer event generator that sends as many timer messages as reasonable. Link: DispatcherTimer Class.
Timer event handler void TimerOnTick( Object sender, EventArgs args ) inside public class window1
TimerOnTick(...) is responsible for permanently zooming the window up and down.
if ( myCanvas.ActualWidth < 200 ) zoom = 1.1; //After reaching its smallest width of 200 the window will rapidly zoom up in steps of 10%.
if ( myCanvas.ActualWidth > 800 ) zoom = 0.99; //After reaching its biggest width of 800 the window will slowly zoom down in steps of 1%.
this.Width    *= zoom;
this.Height   *= zoom;
this.FontSize *= zoom;
//Width, Height and FontSize should behave the same way.
Resize-Event handler protected override void OnRenderSizeChanged( SizeChangedInfo sizeInfo ) inside public class window1
This event handler updates the strings in the central-TextBox and adjusts the endpoints of the diagonals and the Left, Top, Width, Height-properties of rect and elli. It fills elli using an animated RadialGradientBrush with animated colors.
String s1 = "Hello World " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n"; //Concatenate two strings and a new-line-escape-character.
int width = Convert.ToInt32( this.Width );
int height = Convert.ToInt32( this.Height );

//Get the current window size and round it to integer values.
String s2 = "Window Size = " + width.ToString() + " x " + height.ToString() + "\n";
//Concatenate four strings and a new-line-escape-character.
width = Convert.ToInt32( myCanvas.ActualWidth );
height = Convert.ToInt32( myCanvas.ActualHeight );

//Get the size of the current client area = canvas size and round it to integer values.
String s3 = "Client Size = " + width.ToString() + " x " + height.ToString() + "\n";
//Concatenate four strings and a new-line-escape-character.
String s4 = String.Format( "Font Size = {0,2:F1}", this.FontSize );
//Construct a string from a float variable this.FontSize with 2 digits in front and one digit behind the decimal point. Link: String.Format Method.
central.Text = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4; //Write four lines into the central-TextBox.
line1.X1 = 0; line1.Y1 = 0; line1.X2 = myCanvas.ActualWidth; line1.Y2 = myCanvas.ActualHeight;
line2.X1 = myCanvas.ActualWidth; line2.Y1 = 0; line2.X2 = 0; line2.Y2 = myCanvas.ActualHeight;

//Set line1-start to the upper left, line1.end to the lower right, line2.start to the upper right and line2.end to the lower left corner of myCanvas.
Canvas.SetLeft( rect, myCanvas.ActualWidth /5 );
Canvas.SetLeft( elli, myCanvas.ActualWidth /5 );
Canvas.SetTop ( rect, myCanvas.ActualHeight/5 );
Canvas.SetTop ( elli, myCanvas.ActualHeight/5 );
rect .Width  = elli.Width  = 3 * myCanvas.ActualWidth / 5;
rect .Height = elli.Height = 3 * myCanvas.ActualHeight / 5;

//Set the upper left corners of both rect and elli to 20% left and 20% down.
//Set Width and Height of both rect and elli to 60%.
Color color1 = Color.FromRgb( r1++, g1++, b1++ );
Color color2 = Color.FromRgb( r2++, g2++, b2++ );

//Increment all red, green and blue values and create new colors. Values beyond 255 restart at 0.
RadialGradientBrush brush = new RadialGradientBrush( color1, color2 );
brush.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Repeat;
brush.RadiusX = brush.RadiusY = 0.1;
brush.GradientOrigin = new Point( 0.5+0.05*Math.Cos(angle), 0.5+0.05*Math.Sin(angle) );
elli.Fill = brush;
angle += Math.PI / 32;

//Create a new radial brush with 5 rings with a slightly rotating origin and apply it to elli. The origin rotates with a velocity of 180/32 = 5.625 degrees/step. Link: RadialGradientBrush Class.
myPanel.Width = myCanvas.ActualWidth;
myPanel.Height = myCanvas.ActualHeight;

//Adjust the size of the DockPanel myPanel to the current size of the canvas.
Content = myCanvas; //Show everything. Link: WPF Content Model.
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