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Course 2D_WPF: 2D-Computer Graphics with C# + WPF
Chapter C2: The Complete Code of the Draw Project

Copyright © by V. Miszalok, last update: 2011-01-31

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Guidance for Visual C# 2010:

1) Main Menu after start of VC# 2010: Tools → Options → check lower left checkbox: Show all Settings → Projects and Solutions → Visual Studio projects location: → C:\temp

2) Main Menu after start of VC# 2010: File → New Project... → Visual Studio installed templates: Empty project
Name: draw1 → Location: C:\temp → Create directory for solution: switch off → OK.

3) In the window titled: Solution Explorer -Solution 'draw1' (1 project) we have to add 4 References and an draw1.cs file:
3.1 Right-click the branch References. A drop-down menu appears. Click Add Reference.... An Add Reference- window appears. Scroll down until You detect the Component Names Presentation Core and Presentation Framework and select them by Strg+click. Continue scrolling and Strg+click two more Component Names: System and WindowsBase. Quit the Add Reference- window with the button OK.
3.2 Right-click the branch draw1. A drop-down menu appears. Click Add and select New Item.... An Add New Item - draw1- window appears. Select the template Code File and give it the Name: draw1.cs. Quit the Add New Item - draw1- window with the button Add.
  The Solution Explorer should show /this:

4) Main menu of VC# 2010 → Projectdraw1 Properties... ApplicationOutput type: Change from Console Application to Windows Application.

5) Main menu of VC# 2010 → ToolsOptions... An Options-window appears. Double-click the branch Text Editor. Double-click C#. Double-click Formatting.
Click General. Uncheck all three check boxes.
Click Indentation. Uncheck all four check boxes.
Click New Lines. Uncheck all thirteen check boxes.
Click Spacing. Uncheck all twenty three check boxes.
Click IntelliSense. Uncheck all six check boxes.
Quit the Options- window with the OK-button.



Copy this code into the empty draw1.cs-file:

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Threading;

public class window1 : Window
{ [STAThread] static void Main() { new Application().Run( new window1() ); }
  Canvas    canvas  = new Canvas();
  TextBox   textBox = new TextBox();
  Polyline  p       = new Polyline();
  Point     p0      = new Point();
  Point     p1      = new Point();
  bool      pressed = false;
  Point     mid_of_polygon  = new Point();
  Button    button  = new Button();
  int       tickcount = 0;
  DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer();
  public window1() //constructor
  { this.Width = this.Height = 500;
    this.Title = "draw1";
    Content = canvas;
    canvas.Children.Add( p );    
    canvas.Children.Add( textBox );    
    p.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
    p.StrokeThickness = 2;
    p.Points = new PointCollection();
    textBox.Text = "Press the left mouse button and move!";
    textBox.FontFamily = new FontFamily( "Courier New" );
    textBox.FontSize = 12;    
    canvas.Background = new LinearGradientBrush( Colors.Red, Colors.Blue, 90 );
    button.Click += buttonOnClick;
    button.Content = "Click here to start the animation !";
    timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 1 );
    timer.Tick += TimerOnTick;
  protected override void OnMouseDown( MouseButtonEventArgs args )
  { canvas.Children.Clear();         //erase everything from the canvas
    canvas.Children.Add( p );        //except the polygon
    canvas.Children.Add( textBox );  //and the textbox
    p.Points.Clear();                //erase everything from the polygon
    p0 = args.GetPosition( canvas ); //get   mouse position
    p.Points.Add( p0 );              //store mouse position
    textBox.Text = p0.X.ToString() + '/' + p0.Y.ToString();
    vertexCircle( p0 );              //mark this vertex
    pressed = true;
  protected override void OnMouseMove( MouseEventArgs args )
  { if ( !pressed ) return;
    p1 = args.GetPosition( canvas ); //get   mouse position
    double dx = p1.X - p0.X;
    double dy = p1.Y - p0.Y;
    if ( dx*dx + dy*dy < 400 ) return;
    p.Points.Add( p1 );              //store mouse position
    textBox.Text = p0.X.ToString() + '/' + p0.Y.ToString();
    vertexCircle( p1 );              //mark this vertex
    p0 = p1;                         //old end is new start
  protected override void OnMouseUp( MouseButtonEventArgs args )
  { p.Points.Add ( p.Points[0] ); //closed polygon
              mid_of_polygon          = new Point( 0, 0 );
    Point     mid_of_minmax           = new Point( 0, 0 );
    Rectangle minmax_rectangle        = new Rectangle();
    Rectangle mid_of_minmax_rectangle = new Rectangle();
    Ellipse   mid_of_polygon_circle   = new Ellipse  ();
    Double perimeter = 0, area = 0;
    Double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    xmin = xmax = p0.X = p.Points[0].X;
    ymin = ymax = p0.Y = p.Points[0].Y;
    for ( int i=1; i < p.Points.Count; i++ )
    { p1 = p.Points[i];
      Double dx = p1.X - p0.X;
      Double dy = p1.Y - p0.Y;
      Double my = (p0.Y + p1.Y) / 2.0;
      perimeter  += Math.Sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); //Pythagoras
      area       += dx * my;                    //Trapezoid formula
      if ( p1.X < xmin ) xmin = p1.X; //shift the left  wall to the left
      if ( p1.X > xmax ) xmax = p1.X; //shift the right wall to the right
      if ( p1.Y < ymin ) ymin = p1.Y; //shift the upper wall upward
      if ( p1.Y > ymax ) ymax = p1.Y; //shift the lower wall downward
      mid_of_polygon.X += p1.X; //sum up all x-coordinates
      mid_of_polygon.Y += p1.Y; //sum up all x-coordinates
      p0 = p1; //set the new start to the former end
    mid_of_minmax.X = ( xmax + xmin ) / 2; //mid between left  and right border
    mid_of_minmax.Y = ( ymax + ymin ) / 2; //mid between upper and lower border
    mid_of_polygon.X /= p.Points.Count-1;  //mean of all x-coordinates
    mid_of_polygon.Y /= p.Points.Count-1;  //mean of all y-coordinates
    mid_of_minmax_rectangle   .Width = mid_of_minmax_rectangle   .Height = 5;
    mid_of_polygon_circle.Width = mid_of_polygon_circle.Height = 5;
    minmax_rectangle.Width  = xmax - xmin + 2;
    minmax_rectangle.Height = ymax - ymin + 2;
    Canvas.SetLeft( minmax_rectangle       , xmin                 );
    Canvas.SetTop ( minmax_rectangle       , ymin                 );
    Canvas.SetLeft( mid_of_minmax_rectangle, mid_of_minmax .X - 2 );
    Canvas.SetTop ( mid_of_minmax_rectangle, mid_of_minmax .Y - 2 );
    Canvas.SetLeft( mid_of_polygon_circle  , mid_of_polygon.X - 2 );
    Canvas.SetTop ( mid_of_polygon_circle  , mid_of_polygon.Y - 2 );
    canvas.Children.Add( minmax_rectangle           );
    canvas.Children.Add( mid_of_minmax_rectangle    );
    canvas.Children.Add( mid_of_polygon_circle      );
    minmax_rectangle.Stroke = mid_of_minmax_rectangle.Stroke = mid_of_polygon_circle.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
    textBox.Text  = String.Format( "Vertices  = {0}\n"     , p.Points.Count-1 );
    textBox.Text += String.Format( "Perimeter = {0,2:F1}\n", perimeter );
    textBox.Text += String.Format( "Area      = {0,2:F1}"  , area );
    pressed = false;
    canvas.Children.Add( button );
    OnRenderSizeChanged( null );
  private void vertexCircle( Point p )       //vertex marker function
  { Ellipse elli = new Ellipse();
    elli.Width = elli.Height = 5;    //diameter
    elli.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
    canvas.Children.Add( elli );     //add it to the canvas
    Canvas.SetLeft( elli, p.X - 2 ); //x-position on the canvas
    Canvas.SetTop ( elli, p.Y - 2 ); //y-position on the canvas
  protected override void OnRenderSizeChanged( SizeChangedInfo sizeInfo )
  { Canvas.SetLeft( button, 0                      );
    Canvas.SetTop ( button, canvas.ActualHeight-20 );
    button.Width = canvas.ActualWidth;
  private void buttonOnClick( Object sender, RoutedEventArgs rea )
  { canvas.Children.Clear();
    canvas.Children.Add( p );
  private void TimerOnTick( Object sender, EventArgs args )
  { if ( tickcount < 360 ) tickcount++;
    else   { timer.Stop(); tickcount = 0; return; } 
    double arcus   = 2*Math.PI / 360;
    double cosinus = Math.Cos( arcus );
    double   sinus = Math.Sin( arcus );
    double zoom    = 1.0;
    if ( tickcount < 90 || tickcount > 270 ) zoom = 0.99;
    else                                     zoom = 1.01;
    for ( int i=0; i < p.Points.Count; i++ )
    { Point pp = p.Points[i];
      double x = zoom * ( pp.X - mid_of_polygon.X );
      double y = zoom * ( pp.Y - mid_of_polygon.Y );
      pp.X = x*cosinus - y*sinus + mid_of_polygon.X;
      pp.Y = x*sinus + y*cosinus + mid_of_polygon.Y;
      p.Points[i] = pp;
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