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Course 2D_MFC: 2D-Computer Graphics with C++/MFC
Chapter C3: Comments to the Animation Project

Copyright © by V. Miszalok, last update: 2011-03-19

In CChildView.h in front of class CChildView : public CWnd

#define nMax 100 //nMax is the upper limit of the no. of vertices that can be stored. You can set nMax to 1000 or even higher. It is just a vaste of memory to reserve space for too much vertices. nMax does not influence the velocity of the animation as long as you do not fill its space by drawing.
#include < math.h > //needed for sin() and cos()
In CChildView.h inside class CChildView : public CWnd

CPoint old_vertex; // to store one vertex
CPoint p[nMax]; //to store nMax vertices
typedef struct { float x; float y; } FPoint; //type for 2D vector graphics coordinates
FPoint f[nMax]; //to store nMax vertices in float
int n, t; //n will be the counter of vertices and t the counter of timer events
BOOL done; //This flag indicates that the mouse drawing is over. It is initialized to false in CChildView::OnCreate() and CChildView::OnLButtonDown() and changed to true in CChildView::OnLButtonUp()
CRect minmax; //Will contain the surrounding rectangle of the drawing
float zoom, sinus, cosinus; //some help variables
In int CChildView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
This function is called by the operating system once at the first appearance of the client window.
done = false; //At first start nothing has been drawn.
zoom = 0.995f; //The animation starts with a down zoom of 5 per mille.
double arcus = 3.14159 / 180.; //The animation rotates in steps of one degree.
sinus = float( sin( arcus ) ); //This is the sinus of one degree.
cosinus = float( cos( arcus ) ); //This is the cosinus of one degree.
SetTimer( 1, 1, NULL ); //Start a timer no. 1 with the fastest possible velocity. Parmaeter no. 1 is the user no of this timer (64 parallel timers are possible). Parameter 2 requests an event every 1 msec. The operating system cannot react with 1000 events in a second but it will now produce such events as often as possible. Parameter 3 is not used.
return 0; //Exit with the normal return value of 0.
In void CChildView::OnPaint()
This function is called once at the first start of the program and later at any event that requires the redrawing of the window (f.i. by Invalidate() ).
CPaintDC dc(this); //Device context of the current client area
dc.TextOut( 0, 0, "Press the left mouse button and draw something !"); //Text for users who do not know what to do.
In void CChildView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point
The users begins to draw something.
done = FALSE; //Ignore the timer events during drawing.
old_vertex = p[0] = point; //Store the first vertex.
n = t = 1; //Reset the no. of vertices and the no. of timer events.
Invalidate(); //If there was a former drawing it is swept now.
In void CChildView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point
The user moves the mouse.
if ( !nFlags ) return; //Ignore the mouse movement if no mouse buttons are pressed.
int dx = point.x - old_vertex.x; //horizontal distance to the former vertex
int dy = point.y - old_vertex.y; //vertical distance to the former vertex
if ( dx*dx + dy*dy < 100 ) return; //If the distance is less the 10 forget the point.
if ( n > nMax - 2 ) return; //If there are already more than 98 vertices forget the rest.
CClientDC dc( this ); //Device context of the current client area
dc.MoveTo( old_vertex ); dc.LineTo( point ); //Draw a straight line.
old_vertex = p[n++] = point; //Remember the current point as the latest one.
In void CChildView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
The user has drawn something and releases the left mouse button.
minmax.left = minmax.right = p[0].x; //The surrounding rectangle is intitalized around the first vertex.
minmax.top = minmax.bottom = p[0].y; //The surrounding rectangle is intitalized around the first vertex.
for ( int i = 1; i < n; i++ ) //Take one by one any of the following vertices.
int x = p[i].x; //x is a help variable to shorten the writing of p[i].x.
int y = p[i].y; //y is a help variable to shorten the writing of p[i].y.
if ( x < minmax.left ) minmax.left = x; //New vertex is left of the old surrounding rectangle.
if ( x > minmax.right ) minmax.right = x; //New vertex is right of the old surrounding rectangle.
if ( y < minmax.top ) minmax.top = y; //New vertex is above the old surrounding rectangle.
if ( y > minmax.bottom ) minmax.bottom = y; //New vertex is below the old surrounding rectangle.
m.x = ( minmax.left + minmax.right )/2; //mid of the rectangle
m.y = ( minmax.top + minmax.bottom )/2; //mid of the rectangle
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) //Take any vertex
f[i].x = float(p[i].x - m.x); //scroll it to the left upper corner of the client area and change its data type from integer to float.
f[i].y = float(p[i].y - m.y); //scroll it to the left upper corner of the client area and change its data type from integer to float.
done = true; //The animation can start now.
In void CChildView::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
This function is started by the operating system as often as possible (under time control of parameter 2 of SetTimer( 1, 1, NULL ) called in CChildView::OnCreate()
if ( !done ) return; //Do nothing during the time between OnLButtonDown and OnLButtonUp.
int i, ix, iy, ixmax=m.x, ixmin=m.x, width; //local help variables
CClientDC dc (this ); //Device context of the current client area
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) //Take any vertex
float x = f[i].x * zoom; //Zoom it.
float y = f[i].y * zoom; //Zoom it.
f[i].x = cosinus * x - sinus * y; //Rotate it.
f[i].y = sinus * x + cosinus * y; //Rotate it.
ix = int(f[i].x) + m.x; //Scroll it back from the left upper corner of the ClientArea to its original position.
iy = int(f[i].y) + m.y; //Scroll it back from the left upper corner of the ClientArea to its original position.
if ( !i ) dc.MoveTo( ix, iy ); //If this is the firt vertex then start the polgone here.
else dc.LineTo( ix, iy ); //else draw a straight line from the former vertex to the current one.
if ( ix < ixmin ) ixmin = ix; //x-position of the leftmost vertex.
if ( ix > ixmax ) ixmax = ix; //x-position of the rightmost vertex.
width = ixmax - ixmin; //current horizontal extend of the polygone
CRect r; GetClientRect( r ); //current space on the ClientArea
if ( width > r.right - r.left ) { MessageBeep(-1); Invalidate(); zoom = 0.95f; }; //The anmation is too big. Stop the zooming up and zoom down now in steps of 5 percent.
if ( width < 20 ) { MessageBeep(-1); Invalidate(); zoom = 1.05f; }; //The anmation is too small. Stop the zooming down and zoom up now in steps of 5 percent.
CString blabla; //Instance of the class for text strings.
blabla.Format("Timer=%d, Width=%d, Zoom=%f ", t++, width, zoom ); //Write some formatted text into the string.
dc.TextOut( 0,20, blabla ); //During the animation this text informes the user what is going on.
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