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Code Samples:
Simple Component Labeling in C#

Copyright © by V. Miszalok, last update: 2011-01-02

Create a new Windows-project "simple_label". Delete the files Form1.Designer.cs and Program.cs from the project. Clear any prefabricated content from Form1.cs and replace it by the following code:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class Form1 : Form
{ [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run( new Form1() ); }
  const Int32 xSize = 11;
  const Int32 ySize = 12;
  Byte[,]  I       = new Byte[ySize,xSize]; //Original Image
  int [,]  Lfirst  = new int [ySize,xSize]; //Labels after first step
  int [,]  Lmerge  = new int [ySize,xSize]; //Labels after merging
  int [,]  Lsorted = new int [ySize,xSize]; //Labels after sorting
  Brush[]  brush = new Brush[10];
  Brush redbrush = new SolidBrush( Color.Red );
  Button[] button = new Button[ySize];
  CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox();
  Int32 i, x, y, dx, dy, flag, label, no_of_merge_passes;

  public Form1()
  { BackColor  = Color.White;
    Text       = "Simple Labeling";
    SetStyle( ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true );
    Width  = 800;
    Height = 600;
    for ( i=0; i < 10; i++ )
      brush[i] = new SolidBrush( Color.FromArgb( i*25, i*25, i*25 ) );
    for ( y=0; y < 6; y++ )
    { button[y] = new Button();
      button[y].BackColor = Color.Gray;
      button[y].Click += new EventHandler( do_it );
    button[0].Name = button[0].Text = "Homunculus";
    button[1].Name = button[1].Text = "Label First";
    button[2].Name = button[2].Text = "Label Merge";
    button[3].Name = button[3].Text = "Label Sorted";
    button[4].Name = button[4].Text = "Noise";
    button[5].Name = button[5].Text = "Clear";
    checkbox.Text = "8-Neighborhood";

  protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e )
  { Graphics g = e.Graphics;
    Rectangle r = ClientRectangle;
    dx = r.Width / (xSize+2);
    dy = r.Height / ySize;
    for ( y=0; y < 6; y++ )
    { button[y].Top = y*dy+1;
      button[y].Left = xSize*dx+1;
      button[y].Width = 2*dx-2;
      button[y].Height = dy-2;
    checkbox.Top = y*dy+1;
    checkbox.Left = xSize*dx+1;
    for ( y=0; y < ySize; y++ )
      for ( x=0; x < xSize; x++ )
      { g.FillRectangle( brush[I[y,x]], x*dx, y*dy, dx, dy );
        switch ( flag )
        { case 2: g.DrawString( Lfirst [y,x].ToString(), Font, redbrush, x*dx+dx/2, y*dy+dy/2 ); break;
          case 3: g.DrawString( Lmerge [y,x].ToString(), Font, redbrush, x*dx+dx/2, y*dy+dy/2 ); break;
          case 4: g.DrawString( Lsorted[y,x].ToString(), Font, redbrush, x*dx+dx/2, y*dy+dy/2 ); break;
    String s = "            ";
    if ( flag == 3 || flag == 4 ) s = "passes = " + no_of_merge_passes.ToString();
    g.DrawString( s, Font, redbrush, checkbox.Left, checkbox.Top+checkbox.Height+2 );

  protected void do_it( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
  { switch( ((Button)sender).Name )
    { case "Homunculus":
        I =  new Byte[,]{ {9,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,9},
                          {9,0,8,8,0,0,0,8,8,0,9} };
        flag = 1; Invalidate(); break;
      case "Label First":
        flag = 2; Invalidate(); break;
      case "Label Merge":
        flag = 3; Invalidate(); break;
      case "Label Sorted":
        flag = 4; Invalidate(); break;
     case "Noise":
        Random random = new Random();
        for ( y=0; y < ySize; y++ )
           for ( x=0; x < xSize; x++ )
           {  Int32 noise =  random.Next() % 3 - 1;
              noise += I[y,x];
              if ( noise < 0 ) I[y,x] = 0;
              else if ( noise > 9 ) I[y,x] = 9;
              else                  I[y,x] = (Byte)noise;
        flag = 5; Invalidate(); break;
      case "Clear":
        for ( y=0; y < ySize; y++ )
           for ( x=0; x < xSize; x++ ) { Lfirst[y,x] = Lmerge[y,x] = Lsorted[y,x] = I[y,x] = 0; }
        flag = 6; Invalidate(); break;

   private void fill_Lfirst()
   {                                    Lfirst[0,0] = label = 1;
     for ( x=1; x < xSize; x++ )
       if        ( I[0,x] == I[0,x-1] ) Lfirst[0,x] = Lfirst[0,x-1]; //label from left
       else                             Lfirst[0,x] = ++label;
     for ( y=1; y < ySize; y++ )
     { if        ( I[y,0] == I[y-1,0] ) Lfirst[y,0] = Lfirst[y-1,0]; //label from upstairs
       else                             Lfirst[y,0] = ++label;
       for ( x=1; x < xSize; x++ )
         if      ( I[y,x] == I[y-1,x] ) Lfirst[y,x] = Lfirst[y-1,x]; //label from upstairs
         else if ( I[y,x] == I[y,x-1] ) Lfirst[y,x] = Lfirst[y,x-1]; //label from left
         else                           Lfirst[y,x] = ++label;

   private void fill_Lmerge()
   { for ( y=0; y < ySize; y++ )
       for ( x=0; x < xSize; x++ )
         Lmerge[y,x] = Lfirst[y,x]; //just copy
     no_of_merge_passes = 0;
     { i = 0; no_of_merge_passes++;
       for ( y=0; y < ySize; y++ )
         for ( x=0; x < xSize; x++ )
         { if ( x < xSize-1 && I[y,x] == I[y  ,x+1] ) //merge with right neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y  ,x+1] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y  ,x+1] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y  ,x+1] ); i++; }
           if ( y < ySize-1 && I[y,x] == I[y+1,x  ] ) //merge with lower neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y+1,x  ] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y+1,x  ] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y+1,x  ] ); i++; }
           if ( x > 0 &&       I[y,x] == I[y  ,x-1] ) //merge with left neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y  ,x-1] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y  ,x-1] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y  ,x-1] ); i++; }
           if ( y > 0 &&       I[y,x] == I[y-1,x  ] ) //merge with upper neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y-1,x  ] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y-1,x  ] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y-1,x  ] ); i++; }
         if ( checkbox.Checked ) //8-Neighborhood ?
         { if ( x < xSize-1 && y < ySize-1 && I[y,x] == I[y+1,x+1] ) //merge with right lower neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y+1,x+1] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y+1,x+1] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y+1,x+1] ); i++; }
           if ( x > 0 && y < ySize-1 && I[y,x] == I[y+1,x-1] ) //merge with left lower neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y+1,x-1] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y+1,x-1] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y+1,x-1] ); i++; }
           if ( x > 0 &&  y > 0 && I[y,x] == I[y-1,x-1] ) //merge with left upper neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y-1,x-1] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y-1,x-1] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y-1,x-1] ); i++; }
           if ( x < xSize-1 && y > 0 && I[y,x] == I[y-1,x+1] ) //merge with right upper neighbor ?
                          if ( Lmerge[y,x] != Lmerge[y-1,x+1] )
                             { Lmerge[y,x] =  Lmerge[y-1,x+1] =
                     Math.Min( Lmerge[y,x],   Lmerge[y-1,x+1] ); i++; }
     } while ( i > 0 );

   private void fill_Lsorted()
   { int[,] histogram = new int[label+1,2]; //histogram with 2 lines
     for ( y=0; y < ySize; y++ )
       for ( x=0; x < xSize; x++ )
         histogram[Lmerge[y,x],0]++;        //first line filling
     int max, imax=0, newlabel=1;
     do //sorted new labels from 1 = biggest, 2 = second etc.
     { max = 0;
       for ( i=1; i <= label; i++ )
       { if ( histogram[i,1] > 0   ) continue; //already sorted
         if ( histogram[i,0] > max ) { max = histogram[i,0]; imax = i; }
       if ( max > 0 ) histogram[imax,1] = newlabel++;
     } while ( max > 0 );
     for ( y=0; y < ySize; y++ ) //apply new labels
       for ( x=0; x < xSize; x++ )
         Lsorted[y,x] = histogram[Lmerge[y,x],1];

Recommended experiments:
1) Observe how the no. of labels shrinks from "Label First" to "Label Merge" to "Label Sorted".
2) Try out the "8-Neighborhood" checkbox, label again and observe the feet of the homunculus.
3) Observe how the no. of passes leaps (red string under the checkbox) between checked and unchecked.
Explanation for the homunculus sample: In case of 8-neighborhood the merging chain of the black area passes below the legs from left to right.
4) Replace the "4"-pixel in the mid of the uppermost row of the homunculus matrix I by a "0"-pixel.
The no. of passes doesn't leap any more between checked and unchecked.
Explanation for the homunculus sample: The first labeling already connects left and right black areas. There is no need for any complicated passes below the legs.
5) Try out more changes of the homunculus matrix I, such as cutting the neck etc.
6) Clear and click several times on "Noise" to produce a random image and try it out without and with "8-Neighborhood".
7) Change the homunculus matrix I to a single diagonal pixel line and observe how it behaves without and with "8-Neighborhood".

FAQ: What is the difference between normal labeling and component labeling ?
A: 1) Normal labeling:
Pixels within a range of gray values obtain the same label number all over the image. (Very easy with a Look Up Table = palette).
Sample: Both feet of the homunculus obtain the same number.
Consequence: Different disconnected ares of the same range obtain the same number.
Drawback: It is not possible to count the number of disconnected areas.
A: 2) Component labeling:
Any connected area obtain its own unique arbitrary number.
Sample: The feet of the homunculus obtain different numbers.

FAQ: What is the basic idea of the program ?
A: The basic idea is region growing:
1. Step: From upper left to lower right: any new grey value generates a new component.
2. Step: Any labeled pixel seeks to expand itself and to absorb as many neighbors as possible. The process stops when no further absorptions are possible.
3. Step: Sort the components by size (label 1 = biggest component) and remove the number gaps.

FAQ: What are the drawbacks of this program ?
A: The 2. Step can be very time consuming: A complete run through the whole image just expands a component by a thin rim of thickness 1. In the worst case a complete run through the whole image just expands one component by one pixel.

FAQ: How to adapt the code to real images ?
1. Copy Your whole image to a matrix I for faster pixel access.
2. Define a label matrix L (= unified Lfirst, Lmerge and Lsorted).
3. Define a lower and an upper grey value threshold[j] for any desired component j (RGB-thresholds in case of color images).
4. Replace all tests such as "if ( I[y,x] == I[y,x+1] )" by
if ( I[y, x ] >= lower_threshold[j] && I[y, x ] < upper_threshold[j] &&
     I[y,x+1] >= lower_threshold[j] && I[y,x+1] < upper_threshold[j] )

FAQ: Alternative method of component labeling ?
A: Yes: crack code labeling (much faster).
1) Make up a C1V-Matrix L[ySize, xSize+1].
2) Define Your desired threshold j.
3) Whenever You find a new starting point give a new number to this crack code and when there occurs a south- or north-crack, store the number into the L-matrix.
4) When You do not find any more start points goto 2).
5) When You do not want more thresholds, fill the horizontal empty gaps between identical numbers in all lines of L.