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Course 2D_MFC: 2D-Computer Graphics with C++/MFC
Chapter C1: The Intro Project

Copyright © by V. Miszalok, last update: 2011-03-28

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  An Empty Window
  TextOut: Hallo World
  Print Window Size with SetTextColor
  Left, Right, Top, Bottom
  MoveTo, LineTo, Rectangle, Ellipse
  Draw a Star with Random Rays and Random Colors
  Draw a Polygon
  Animate it

An Empty Window

Start Microsoft Visual Studio.
1) Main Menu of Visual Studio: File → New → Project...Project types:Visual C++MFCMFC Application
Name: intro1Location: C:\tempCheck: Create directory for solutionOK

2) The MFC Application Wizard - intro1 appears.
Application TypeSingle documentNo Document/View architecture supportNo Use Unicode librariesProject Style: MFC standardUse of MFC: Use MFC in a shared DLLNext>
Database support: None → Next>
Main frame styles:Thick frameMinimize boxMaximize boxSytem menuNo Initial status barToolbars: NoneNext>
Advanced features: → uncheck all advanced features → Next>
Generated classes: Cintro1App, CMainFrame, CChildView → Finish>

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio. A submenu opens. Click Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.

The rudimentary program now automatically compiles, links and starts. Please observe the Error List-window of Visual Studio below our program.
The program starts automatically as stand-alone window containing four parts:
1. main window = MainFrame with a blue title row,
2. three buttons on the right of the title bar: Minimize, Maximize, Close,
3. a main menu File, Edit, Help,
4. a narrow frame with 4 movable borders and 4 movable edges. Enlarge the window by dragging its borders and edges.

Minimize VisualStudio, to realize that intro1.exe is a stand-alone Windows program.
Start the Explorer. Branch to C:\temp\intro1\bin\debug.
Double click intro1.exe. You can start an arbitrary number of instances of intro1.exe. (You must carefully kill all of them before writing new versions.) Minimize the Explorer.

Make sure that all instances of intro1.exe have been finished.
Important: Always finish all instances of intro1 before writing new code and starting it !
Start the Task Manager with Ctrl+Alt+Del and check if an intro1.exe-process is still to be killed.


TextOut: Hallo World

If the Solution Eyplorer - intro1 isnīt already visible, open it via the Visual Studio main menu: ViewSolution Explorer, and double click the branch Source FilesChildView.cpp.
The automatically generated source code of ChildView.cpp appears. Scroll down until You detect the message handler subroutine:

void CChildView::OnPaint()
  CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting

  // TODO: Add your message handler code here

  // Do not call CWnd::OnPaint() for painting messages

Delete the comments and write a new line of code until it looks like this:

void CChildView::OnPaint()
{ CPaintDC dc(this);
  dc.TextOut( 10, 10, "Hello world, here is intro1 !" );

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio. A submenu opens. Click Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.
Visual Studio compiles, links and starts the program.
Experiment: Change the first parameter of TextOut( 10, ...) to TextOut( 200, ...) and observe how the output is shifted to the right. Try the same with the second parameter.


Print Window Size with SetTextColor

Version 2: Finish all instances of intro1.
Write seven additional lines into void CChildView::OnPaint() until it looks like this:

void CChildView::OnPaint()
{ CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
  dc.TextOut(10, 10, "Hello world, here is intro1 !");
  CRect r; //a rectangle r of type CRect
  CString sometext; //a string sometext of type CString
  GetClientRect( r ); //Ask the operating system to report the size of our window
  sometext.Format( "width=%d,  height=%d", r.right, r.bottom ); //prepare output
  dc.TextOut( 10, 30, sometext ); //output a line below the last one
  dc.SetTextColor(RGB(255,0,0)); //red text
  dc.TextOut(10,50, "Change the size of your window !" );

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio → Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.
Important: If there are typing errors, Visual Studio compiles nothing but displays a Message Box: There were build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful build ?. Quit this message box with No. Below the source code CChildView.cpp an Error List-window will appear. Scroll the list upwards until you see the first error. If there is not an error but a warning ignore the warning and scroll downwards until you find the first error. Double click the line reporting the first error. The cursor will automatically jump into your code to the line, where the error has been detected. Correct the typing error. Ignore all further errors (Mostly they are the consequence of the first one.) and start again and repeat this procedure until the program succeeds.
Caution: The error can occur in a command line above the cursor. Perhaps you forgot a semicolon or a bracket there.


Left, Right, Top, Bottom

Version 3: Finish all instances of intro1.
Write eight new lines below the already existing lines of void CChildView::OnPaint():

  CPoint p; //a point p of type CPoint
  p.x = r.right  / 2; // mid x
  p.y = r.bottom / 2; // mid y
  dc.SetTextColor( RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) ); //blue writing
  dc.TextOut( 0         , p.y        , "left"   );
  dc.TextOut( r.right-50, p.y        , "right"  );
  dc.TextOut( p.x       , 0          , "top"    );
  dc.TextOut( p.x       , r.bottom-20, "bottom" );

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio → Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.


MoveTo, LineTo, Rectangle, Ellipse

Version 4: Finish all instances of intro1.
Write another eight new lines below the already existing lines of void CChildView::OnPaint():

  dc.MoveTo( 0      , 0         );
  dc.LineTo( r.right, r. bottom );
  dc.MoveTo( r.right, 0         );
  dc.LineTo( 0      , r. bottom );
  int w5 = r.right  / 5; // 20% of the width
  int h5 = r.bottom / 5; // 20% of the height
  dc.Rectangle( w5, h5, 4*w5, 4*h5 );
  dc.Ellipse  ( w5, h5, 4*w5, 4*h5 );

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio → Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.


Draw a Star with Random Rays and Random Colors

Version 5: Finish all instances of intro1.
Below the three #include command lines on top of CChildView.cpp write another line starting immediately at the left margin of the text:

#include "math.h" //in order to find sin() and cos()

Write a line starting immediately at the left margin of the text directly above the void CChildView::OnPaint()-function.

#define nn 120 

Write the following lines below the already existing lines of void CChildView::OnPaint():

  int i;
  CPen pen; //a pen of type CPen
  CPoint splash[ nn ]; //an array named splash of length nn containing x/y-coordinates
  double arcus = 2. * 3.14159 / nn; // a small segment of the unit circle
  double radius_x = 1.5 * w5; // horizontal radius of the ellipse
  double radius_y = 1.5 * h5; // vertical   radius of the ellipse
  for ( i = 0; i < nn; i++ )
  { COLORREF multicolor = RGB ( rand()%255, rand()%255, rand()%255 );
    pen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 20, multicolor ); //20 = thickness of the random-color pen
    dc.SelectObject( pen ); //take the pen in your hand
    double factor = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; //something between 0.0 and 1.0
    if ( factor < 0.25 ) factor = 0.25; //but not less than 1/4
    double cosinus = radius_x * factor * cos( i * arcus );
    double   sinus = radius_y * factor * sin( i * arcus );
    dc.MoveTo( p ); //mid of ellipse
    dc.LineTo( p.x + (int)cosinus, p.y + (int)sinus );//ending point
    pen.DeleteObject(); //dispose the pen
    splash[i].x = p.x + int( cosinus * 0.8 ); //store the x-coordinate
    splash[i].y = p.y + int( sinus   * 0.8  );//store the y-coordinate

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio → Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.
Drag the borders and/or the edges of our program intro1.


Draw a Polygon

Version 6: Finish all instances of intro1.
Write the following lines below the already existing lines of void CChildView::OnPaint():

  dc.SelectStockObject( WHITE_PEN ); //an existing pen of thickness 1 named WHITE_PEN
  CBrush brush; //a brush of type CBrush
  brush.CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 255,0,0 ) ); //dip it into red color
  dc.SelectObject( brush ); //take the brush in your hand
  dc.Polygon( splash, nn ); //draw a polygon with nn vertices
  brush.DeleteObject(); //dispose the brush
  dc.SetTextColor( RGB( 0,0,255 ) ); //blue writing
  dc.TextOut( p.x-30, p.y-8, "Splash !" );

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio → Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.
Drag the borders and/or the edges of our program intro1.


Animate it

Version 6: Finish all instances of intro1.
Write the following lines below the already existing lines of void CChildView::OnPaint():

  Sleep( 100 ); //slow down to 10 per second
  Invalidate(); //call void CChildView::OnPaint() again

Click Debug in the main menu of Visual Studio → Start Without Debugging Ctrl F5.



Read the explanations of the command lines in Code Comments.
Click Help in the main menu of Visual Studio. Click the submenu Index.
Choose Visual C++ in the text box Filtered by:. Type the following key words into Look for:
#define, CPoint, rand, Polygon, Ellipse, Rectangle etc. With each key word you obtain a list. Click the most interesting key word of the list. If there are complicated alternatives, an additional pop up window appears on the lower border of Visual Studio. Read the help texts.
Finish Visual Studio, start the Explorer, delete the complete directory C:\temp\intro1.
Start Visual Studio again and rewrite intro1 until you can write it by heart.
Increase your writing speed by extensive use of Drag&Drop.
Invent and try new versions of the program in form of new projects intro2, intro3 etc.
Ideas: parallel horizontal color bars, parallel vertical color bars, colorful rectangles and ellipses at random positions.

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