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Course 2DCis: 2D-Computer Graphics with C#
Chapter C4: Comments to the Animation Project

Copyright © by V. Miszalok, last update: 2011-09-13

using namespaces

using System; //Namespace of the base class of all classes "System.Object" and of all primitive data types such as Int32, Int16, Single, Double, String.

using System.Drawing; //Namespace of the "Graphics" class and its drawing methods such as DrawString, DrawLine, DrawRectangle, FillClosedCurve etc.

using System.Windows.Forms; //Namespace of the "Form" class (base class of our main window Form1) and its method Application.Run.

using System.Collections; //Namespace of the "ArrayList" class (see below the dynamic array polygon).

Entry to start our .NET Windows program: public class Form1 : Form

All objects that are used inside the function OnTimer(...) (see below) must be declared "static", because the function OnTimer(...) is static. There is only one Timer object for all instances of Form1. No matter how often You start Form1, any instance uses the same Timer. Any"static" object resides only once inside its class and not inside each instance of its class as nonstatic objects do. See the help text in Visual Studio .NET: Help → Index → Filtered by: .NET Framework → Look for: static keyword, C#.

[STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run( new Form1() ); }
//Create a single thread instance of Form1 and ask the operating system to start it.
[STAThread] is important to assure the communication between the sole main thread and secondary dialog threads.
Application.Run( new Form1() ) is a static method starting and showing an visual object derived from System.Windows.Forms.Form = a standard Windows-window.

static Graphics g, bitmap_g; //Twice a Device Context = foreground and background for flicker free animation with double buffering. g will manage the client area of Form1 and bitmap_g will manage a background mirror image of it. See: Last statements of OnResize(...).

static Bitmap bitmap; //Background image. Will be cloned from the client area of Form1. See: Last statements of OnResize(...).

static Single zoom = 1.01f; //Class to store and access the current Device Context.

static Single cosinus = (Single)Math.Cos( Math.PI/180.0 ); //Class to store and access the current Device Context.

static Single sinus = (Single)Math.Sin( Math.PI/180.0 ); //Class to store and access the current Device Context.

static Brush redbrush = new SolidBrush( Color.Red ); //Create a red Brush.

static Pen blackpen = SystemPens.ControlText; //Create a pointer to an already existing Pen object (just a programming shortcut).

static Font arial10 = new Font( "Arial", 10 ); //Create a font.

static Single myWidth, myHeight; //two variables aimed to contain the current size of the client area of Form1.

static PointF[] pf; //Pointer to an array of PointF with unknown length. PointF is a structure similar to Point but with x and y as float.

ArrayList polygon = new ArrayList(); //This dynamic array of variable length is aimed to contain all vertices (vertices are Point-Objects: see below in the functions OnMouseDown and OnMouseMove).

Point p0 = new Point(); //Coordinates of the starting point of a line.

Point p1 = new Point(); //Coordinates of the end point of a line (which serves as starting point of the next line).

Timer myTimer = new Timer(); //This Timer sends messages at fixed time intervals to Form1, that trigger Form1 to execute its OnTimer(..) method.

Constructor public Form1()

Text = "Anim1: Draw an Endless Animation"; //Title in the blue header line of Form1.

Width = 800; //Starting width of Form1. This statement is not obligatory but the default width is rather narrow for drawing.

Height = 600; //Starting height of Form1. This statement is not obligatory but the default height is rather narrow for drawing.

g = this.CreateGraphics(); //The current Device Context is loaded once and will be maintained for the rest of the life time of Form1. This is the simplest method to get a Device Context once and forever, but this method will ignore any change of the window size during run time. Professional code must reload the Device Context much more often i.e. at any OnMouseMove and OnPaint events in order to keep in pace with possible changes of Form1 during run time.

SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw,true); //Urges Form1 to redraw itself at run time by calling protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) on any change of size (i.e. when the user drags a window border or edge). OnResize(...) calls automatically OnPaint(...).

myTimer.Tick += new EventHandler( OnTimer ); //Redirects the Timer messages to our Form1-method OnTimer(...).

myTimer.Interval = 1; //Send the Timer messages at the shortest possible time interval (1 millisecond means as fast as possible).

Overridden event handler OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)

myTimer.Stop(); //Stops the Timer from sending messages. We do not want any message during drawing.

polygon.Clear(); Invalidate(); //Delete all former vertices from the dynamic array polygon. Its length is now 0. Invalidate asks the operating system to send a Paint-Message to Form1. After receiving this message Form1 will execute our method (described below): protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e ) which redraws the complete polygon.
The current effect is just to erase the client area of Form1 because the currently empty array polygon is displayed. This action removes the old polygon from the screen.

p0.X = e.X; //Remember the current mouse position.

p0.Y = e.Y; //Remember the current mouse position.

polygon.Add( p0 ); //Write the first vertex at position 0 into the dynamic array polygon.

Overridden event handler OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

if ( e.Button == MouseButtons.None ) return; //Do nothing if no mouse button has been pressed during moving.

p1.X = e.X; //Take the current mouse position.

p1.Y = e.Y; //Take the current mouse position.

Int32 dx = p1.X - p0.X; //dx is the horizontal distance between the new point and the last vertex.

Int32 dy = p1.Y - p0.Y; //dy is the vertical distance between the new point and the last vertex.

if ( dx*dx + dy*dy < 100 ) return; //Pythagoras' theorem. If the distance is less then 10, ignore the new point.

g.DrawLine( blackpen, p0, p1 ); //Draw a line from the old vertex to the current vertex.

polygon.Add( p1 ); //Elongate the dynamic array polygon by adding space for an object of type Point and store the current vertex into this empty space.

p0 = p1; //Replace the old point by the new one .

Overridden event handler OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)

if ( polygon.Count < 2 ) return; //Do nothing if there is one vertex only inside the polygon.

pf = new PointF[polygon.Count]; //Allocate memory for the array pf. The lenght of pf is identical with the length of the dynamic array polygon.

for ( Int32 i=0; i < polygon.Count; i++ ) pf[i] = (Point)polygon[i]; //Go through all vertices which a currently stored in the dynamic array polygon, and copy them into the new array pf. The explicit type cast operator (Point) is necessary to convert the type object to the type Point. The conversion from type Point to type PointF needs no explicit type cast operator. Writing the complete casting results in a confusing (but correct) code: pf[i] = (PointF)((Point)polygon[i]);

myTimer.Start(); //The Timer is now allowed to send its messages. The animation starts now immediately after drawing. This statement corresponds to the myTimer.Stop();-statement inside the OnMouseDown(...) function.

Overridden event handler OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

e.Graphics.DrawString("Press the left mouse button and move!", arial10, redbrush, 300, 0 ); //Display the text somewhere in the middle of the first line of Form1.

Overridden event handler OnResize(PaintEventArgs e)

This method is called whenever the user drags one of the corners or borders of Form1. After its execution the OnPaint(...) method is invoked because of the SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw,true); -statement in the constructor public Form1().

g = this.CreateGraphics(); //Update the current Graphics-object in order to inform it that there are new dimensions of Form1.

g.Clear(SystemColors.Control); //Erase everything (using the normal background color of a Form) from the client area of Form1 .

myWidth = ClientRectangle.Width; //Remember the current width of the client area of Form1 for futher use inside the OnTimer(...) function.

myHeight = ClientRectangle.Height; //Remember the current height of the client area of Form1 for futher use inside the OnTimer(...) function.

if ( bitmap != null ) bitmap.Dispose(); //Throw away any old background image.

bitmap = new Bitmap( myWidth, myHeight ); //Background image: Clone it from the Form1 client area. See: Last statements of OnTimer(...).

if ( bitmap_g != null ) bitmap_g.Dispose(); //Throw away any old background Graphics-object.

bitmap_g = Graphics.FromImage( bitmap ); //Create a Graphics-object around the background image. See: Last statements of OnTimer(...).

Event handler protected static void OnTimer( Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs )

Single x, y, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmid, ymid; //Some local variables.

xmin = xmax = pf[0].X; //Set the surrounding rectangle to the first vertex.

ymin = ymax = pf[0].Y; /Set the surrounding rectangle to the first vertex.

for ( Int32 i=1; i < pf.Length; i++ ) //Go through all vertices.

x = pf[i].X; //Take the x-value from the vertex no. i .

y = pf[i].Y; //Take the y-value from the vertex no. i .

if ( x < xmin ) xmin = x; //If x is left oft the current left border, shift the left border to the left.

if ( x > xmax ) xmax = x; //If x is right oft the current right border, shift the right border to the right.

if ( y < ymin ) ymin = y; //If y is obove oft the current upper border, shift the upper border up.

if ( y > ymax ) ymax = y; //If y is below oft the current lower border, shift the lower border down.

xmid = (xmin+xmax) / 2; //Mid point of the surrounding rectangle.

ymid = (ymin+ymax) / 2; //Mid point of the surrounding rectangle.

if ( xmin < 0 || ymin < 0 || xmax > myWidth || ymax > myHeight ) //Does the surrounding rectangle cross one of the borders of Form1 ?

//g.Clear(SystemColors.Control); //If it crosses, erase every thing using the normal background color of a Form. This statement is not necessary when we use double buffering.

g.DrawString("Press the left mouse button and move!", arial10, redbrush, 320, 0 ); //Redraw the first line of text.

zoom = 0.99f; //Set the zoom factor to 99 %. From now on the animation shrinks (zooms down).

if ( xmax - xmin < 50 || ymax - ymin < 50 ) //Is the surrounding rectangle smaller than 50 pixels width or 50 pixels height ?

//g.Clear(SystemColors.Control); //If it is too small, erase eyerything using the normal background color of a Form. This statement is not necessary when we use double buffering.

zoom = 1.01f; //Set the zoom factor to101 %. From now on the animation pumps up (zooms up).

for ( Int32 i=0; i < pf.Length; i++ ) //Go through all vertices.

x = pf[i].X - xmid; //Shift the mid point of the polygon to coordinate origin 0/0 at the upper left corner of Form1.

y = pf[i].Y - ymid; //Shift the mid point of the polygon to coordinate origin 0/0 at the upper left corner of Form1.

x *= zoom; //Multipy x by the zoom factor.

y *= zoom; //Multipy y by the zoom factor.

Single xx = x*cosinus - y*sinus; //Rotate around the origin.

Single yy = x*sinus + y*cosinus; //Rotate around the origin.

pf[i].X = xx + xmid; //Shift the polygon back from the origin to its normal position inside Form1 and store the result back to the array pf.

pf[i].Y = yy + ymid; //Shift the polygon back from the origin to its normal position inside Form1 and store the result back to the array pf.

bitmap_g.FillRectangle( SystemBrushes.Control, 0, 0, myWidth, myHeight ); //Invisible erasure of the background image.

bitmap_g.DrawLines( blackpen, pf ); //Invisible drawing of the complete polygon into the background image using a black pen . The Graphics-function DrawLines determines automatically the no. of vertices and connects them with lines. It does not close a polyline and does not fill it with color even when the polyline is a closed polgon.

g.DrawImage( bitmap, 0, 0 ); //En bloc copy of the background image to the foreground = last step of double buffering.

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